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How to extract an installation program from its Zip file

Actuality : demonstration of a shopping cart component, at 

Download procedure

Once you downloaded the Zip file, under Windows XP, by double-clicking on it you see a window like this one :

Zip file

Once you clicked on "Extract all files", a dialog box invites you to select the directory to which you want to extract the files.

Selection of temporary target directory

Click on the button that is squared in red, to select a directory.

Select a directory

Imagine you want to create a sub-directory in "My downloads" (Mes téléchargements). To begin with, select this directory, and then click on "Create a new folder" in the downleft corner of the dialog box.

New folder

At this moment, type the name of the folder (e. g. NavRecherche), and depress the Enter key.

Named directory

Then click on OK.

To be validated

Click on "Following".

End of extraction

Click on "Terminate".

Extracted folder

At this step, you must now be an administrator.

Double-click on "Setup.exe", and follow the instructions.

Go to the main page

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