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A few generalities ...

Please do not hesitate to contact me for your databases, user teaching and miscellaneous developments.

For privacy reasons, these developments are not on line. This site more insists on quicker developments that aim to facilitate the life of the Windows user.

In a first approach, only a few utilities are proposed. They have been tested on Windows XP, thank you to indicate what appears about their compatibility with other systems.

Some practical  infomation notices are in project. The order of their apparition can vary according to the order of the asked questions.


Please note that the following users do not exist on this system  : root, info, billing, administrator, advertising, accounts, accounting. If you receive non sollicited mail pretending to come from this site, you have to know that this message is sent by a virus, spread over numerous machines. Do not hesitate to inform your Internet provider, not forgetting to provide him the headers of the concerned mail(s). Please do not forget, if this is not already done, to equip your machine of an up-to-date antivirus, and to use it.

Here are a few utilities and tricks to use Windows.

Problems of interface

Managing the time

Launching programs

Internet Explorer


Download procedure (extracting files under Windows XP)



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